Changing the standards?
As some of you might have read, people sued when one breed club & the multi-breed kennel club which it belongs to, changed one breed standard.
Some dog people are really into the show scene and they don't like changes that put them at a disadvantage or push them out of the game.
As far as I know, neither of the clubs had to pay anything out in any settlement, but court battles still cost money.
Which brings us to the question of: Can breed clubs change their standards (without courtroom conflict), or are they like a steel hulled ship, strong but not very flexible?
The British are changing some of their standards a little bit.
IF, if, if, if American dog breed standards are not truly changeable, then what?
Could any of the multi-breed kennel clubs in America safely drop any breed because they no longer feel the standard describes a healthy dog?
If not, then, although the standards were not written on stone, they might as well have been, for they are no longer erasable, or editable. They have turned to stone (wasn't that a song?).
Even if they are dieing like dinosaurs, they would not be able to change?
If the court case was more of a test, and the standards are changeable, and the standards are re-writable then what?
The first question isn't "How should the standards be re-written?", but "How do the big kennels, and active breeders want the standards to be re-written" - that will tell you what to watch out for.
The people involved are very apt to want the standards to describe their own dogs, even if those dogs are having genetic problems.
If you followed the arguments against ear cropping, breeders whose dogs had ears that looked good uncropped were not so much against banning ear crops -
-but breeders whose dogs did not naturally have the desired type of ear, tended to be against banning ear crops, as then their dogs would lose in the ring, and be out of favor with the pet buying public.
It comes down to the question of just how changeable the standards are.
Could any multi-breed kennel club oust one of their breeds, without it being more effort and expense than what they could be asked to do?