PDE - Pedigree Dogs Exposed
If you like Pedigree Dogs Exposed, try reading the archives of these two groups - you don't have to join or sign in - they both have open archive, and allow cross-posting:
Much like Pedigree Dogs Exposed, the archives of both groups are full of posts about the problems within the dog breeding industry.
Pedigree Dogs Exposed was not the first time that people exposed pedigree dog breeding and selling, people have been complaining about dog shows since they started.
Pedigree dogs exposed was the first time that somebody got action for their complaints.
Pedigree dogs exposed didn't just talk, it didn't just write, it video taped, edited, and aired.
Jemima Harrison, brave woman, went to dog shows and filmed.
Jemima Harrison, did interviews, and she got the BBC to put her film on the air (TV - telly).
We need to remember Jemima Harrison, and watch her video film, Pedigree Dogs Exposed, so that we never forget, that not everybody is nice, and that not everybody who sells warm fuzzy puppies, are nice warm fuzzy people.
I love the film. I love that finally, somebody was able to speak out for the suffering dogs, and the duped people who bought the puppies, wasted money, and had their family's hearts broken by breeders who were not producing good pets, but who were producing show dog puppies and then selling them as pets.
If you can't watch the film in your area, it is on video in 6 parts; there are links over on terrierman:
(search: Pedigree Dogs Exposed)
Terrierman was also in a film himself about the problems in show dogs.
PDE, Pedigree Dogs Exposed will be on TV tomarrow in America, THURSDAY Dec, 10, 2009.