Monday, November 30, 2009

1. Degree not pedigree.

Again it is working ability, health, and temperament!!! Degree not pedigree.

Do NOT let "looks" crepe into your posts.

Who, except dog show people, cares what the details of a dog are? Who cares what a German Shepherd Dog looks like vs what a Dobermann Pinscher looks like?

Make breeds by their profession!!

Make police dogs, military dogs, personal protection dogs, and shutzhund degreed dogs , all one breed.

Once the dog is two years old, can do the work, and is healthy, then he can trade his puppy papers for registration papers and can be bred.

Start the puppies in drill, obedience, scent matching, tracking, and other performance events to show that the dog is trainable, can work in public, and be around other dogs and still perform.

If one boxer X poodle can do the work, but one purebred German Shepherd Dog can not, then let the boxoodle win the event - that GSD doesn't deserve it.

Only if your GSDs PROVE that they can win over the other breeds, should they be placed above the other breeds - otherwise we are just talking about our dogs being better.

Forget that "silly show stuff". Looks don't matter. Color doesn't matter - so long as it is not linked to health problems.

What matters is the dog's degree, his training and work - not his pedigree or how pretty his photo is.

A GSD is NOT his photo, he is his abilities, which are proven through his performance.

Degree not pedigree.
thank you for reading:
permission to cross-post.